
Internet Replacing Roads! Hsinchu City Local Taxes Filing Rate Reaches 98.5% Via Internet, Highest In Taiwan
Publish Date:106-03-03
Units:Department of General Affairs   Category:Smart City
Using the internet to file taxes is a trend in the community, Hsinchu City Local Tax Bureau continues to promote the public in using the internet to lodge taxes, not only creating convenience, but also through the analysis of the Ministry of Finance, reaching a rate of 98.5% for internet tax lodgment, the highest in the country. The City's tax lodgment rate is not only higher than the country's average of 91.6%, but also better than 97.2% in 2015.
Local Tax Bureau Director Fan stated, Hsinchu City is a smart and technological city, personal computer and internet usage rate is the highest in the country, and with "high income", "high birth rate", "high education level", and "low average age" unique characteristic, the public has a higher expectation and anticipation for web services, the local tax lodgments uses "internet replacing roads" creating a speedy and convenient way for lodgment, being energy efficient and green, the high usage rate represents that this service provided meets the needs of the public, and received positive feedbacks from the community.
The Local Tax Bureau was the first in the country to self-develop a local tax lodgment system in 2006, the results turned out great and received many positive feedbacks. The Central Government's Ministry of Finance than through the experience of the local Bureau, promoted this e-service to the rest of the country, even though the lodgment rate is the highest amongst the cities and counties, the Local Tax Bureau's main promotion is still to continue assisting the public, land administration agents, real-estate agents, and tax agents in using the service, hoping to maximize the benefit this service brings.
Land administration agent Wang stated, he initially posed a "wait and see" attitude through the e-lodgment service, however, through the Local Tax Bureau sending staff members to his office, assisting and teaching him on using the service, answering the questions he had speedily, truly warmed his heart. After using the service, he felt the convenience it brought, anything related to the local taxes could be done via the system, printing the bill at home, saving him a lot of time, now he has become a loyal user to this service.
Moreover, the Local Tax Bureau would like to pass on good news to the public, from today onwards, national health care card can now be used for tax lodgments too! Previously, the public could only use the Citizen Digital Certificate system to login, in order to increase the convenience, the public can now apply for health care card internet service registration, using the card and password to log in and use the system.
Should the public have any enquiries regarding tax lodgments, please call 0800-818388 (toll-free),
Translated By: Lin Chuan-Jen 


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